
Stephanie Barnes, artist

Stephanie Barnes, Artist  

My passion for painting started in 2011, after trying out drawing, photography,  in the early 2000’s as a means of adding some life to my work-life balance. I enjoyed the creative experience of drawing and photography as they allowed me to stay in the moment and forget, temporarily, about the rest of the world. However, painting captured my heart and soul.

My process is informed by the activities of my day-to-day life, the ups and the downs, the joy, the self-discovery, the exploration of life outside of the box. I am more interested in trying to express inner thoughts and feelings than trying to replicate something that exists in the world around me; cameras are for the external world, painting is for what we cannot see.

I have worked with Chockablock Media to create three videos about my art: passion, process, and inspiration.

As of October 2015, I have moved from Toronto and am now based in Berlin.

Other things about me

I am supportive of helping other women find their voices and creative energies whether through education, art, or other means. I am  a Creatively Fit coach, if you are interested in talking to me about discovering your creativity.

I am listed on the Women’s Art Association of Canada website, http://www.womensartofcanada.ca/member-artists

I can be contacted at stephanie [at] stephaniebarnesart.com or +49 (0)179 854 8376 or on the Stephanie Barnes Art Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/StephanieBarnesArt (I’m also on Twitter @MPuzzlePiece and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mppc1967/).

Finally, I am a management consultant and coach, combining technology, process, and creativity at https://www.realisation-of-potential.com/.

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