Monthly Archives: October 2014

We Have No Secrets, Oct 2-16 Women’s Art Association of Canada

My artist’s statement for the exhibition:

My creativity evolved from drawing and photography, which were representative, into painting that is an abstract expression of self-discovery.

My painting is what keeps me sane. It is a constant reminder to stay in the present and go with the flow. It is informed by feelings and experiences, thoughts and spirit. It offers a means of expression to thoughts and feelings that cannot be expressed in words.

Even the expression of negative emotions, like rejection, is transformed into joy when translated into paint. This is palpable in the mixed media installation piece present in this exhibition

Rejection evolved from an exploration of “The Masks We Hide Behind” and the “Escape” from those masks and ideas that can be perceived as an oppressing cage. Rejecting the external world and the stifling social conformity, we stop hiding who we are and step beyond that sense of rejection, eventually learning to stand for the truth, regardless of what comes.

Narrative for my mixed media installation called, Rejection:

The piece originates from the society’s rejection of human differences —not allowing the individual to show who he/she really is, whitewashing feelings and beliefs, wants, and desires for acceptance’s sake. It develops into a partial opening towards what we feel, but still subconsciously fearing rejection. In the latter phase of the metamorphosis the rejection is left behind, to ultimately stand in our own truth, openly showing who we are and what we believe in—and accepting the risk of potential rejection.