Tag Archives: Pictures of art

Live Painting at Serendipity Bistro

Yesterday (Nov 15, 2014), I painted live in the window at Serendipity Bistro. I started at 11am and finished just before 1pm. It was fun to see people watching me from the other side of the window, and enjoyable to talk to those who came in to look at my paintings that were hanging up, and take a closer look at the works-in-process.

I have posted pictures over on my Facebook page so you can take a look at them there, https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.847966831890464.1073741841.592798060740677&type=1.


Updated Gallery: Inspired by Nigeria and The Masks We Hide Behind’

I have updated the images of my art: I’ve added pictures of what I’ve been working on over the fall and winter. I was fighting a bit with the camera to get decent pictures, I will try to work on getting better images, but I wanted to get something posted that wasn’t just the work-in-progress type pictures that I post on my personal Facebook page.

The initial set of images that I have added were inspired by my trip to Nigeria in September 2013, and represent, the colours of the landscape there: lush greens, and rusty-red soil and of course then there’s the oil and the colourful clothing. (The appear part-way down the page and are called “Inspired by Nigeria” numbers 1-4. These pieces will also be on display at the Women’s Art Association of Canada during March 2014.

The energy and emotions from those pieces evolved into the idea of the “masks we hide behind” and the layers that are on top of who we really are. It’s an idea I am still exploring so the images I’ve posted are the first 5 in the series, stay tuned for more.

My Art Hanging at Above Ground

I can’t believe I forgot to post pictures of my art hanging at Above Ground, it’s almost time to go and take it down! 🙁

To make this easy, I’m just going to post a link to my Stephanie Barnes Art Facebook page, where I did post pictures https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.657509954269487.1073741830.592798060740677&type=1